Monday 18 November 2013


Artist: Brooke Hayes (Blog, Twitter)

Back in October, I competed alongside an artist in the ScareJam at the University of Lincoln. This was an interesting experience as it's the first time I've done any rapid development, particularly focussed on programming, alone. I decided to use XNA and C#, as I have a lot of experience with this framework and can develop quite rapidly within it. The ScareJam was focussed on creating scary games, and the additional game mechanics were "Loss" and "Important Sounds". We came up with "Lost and Sound", a title with a subtle nod towards the game mechanics! Lost and Sound is a game in which you must go into an abandoned hospital in search of your lost daughter, as she's been kidnapped by the ghost that haunts it! Most of the game mechanics are intended for the player to discover alone, and the game is intended to be somewhat of a mystery. I will let you explore the rest for yourself! To play the game you'll need a wired Xbox 360 gamepad, and the XNA 4.0 redistributables which can be found here.

Download Lost&Sound.

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